Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I went to my in laws today to check on Papa (post surgery) I captures this sweet moment between sisters. I love their fingers intertwined. So sweet!
Evan loved to watch his sisters throw leaves at each other. He has this look on his face quite often when he watches them. Pure amusement!
We had a Pooh bear, a Sleeping Beauty, a Princess Jasmine, an Eighties Valley Girl, a Zombie Butler ( or Dead Deacon), and that sassy Caribou Barbie Sarah Palin reminding all to vote!!
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Will said...

Golly, I tried to think of an encompassing theme, but drew a complete blank. You guys were so cute! Except Spence, he looked like he needed a plateful of brains . . .

Nate and Sarah said...

Cute costumes! You make an awesome Sarah Palin. So fun!

Sunni said...

You definately made the best Sarah Palin look alike!!