Friday, May 15, 2009

I left my heart...

Spring Break with the Miyakawa's brought a trip to San Fran. We decided to park under China Town near the Trans America Tower and walk up to the Coit Tower. What in the what what?
I have no idea why I thought I could navigate my 5 children through the streets of the city w/o Shane. He stayed home to get a large portion of our backyard done. Something in me still wants to give my kids cool experiences...even w/o my most helpful half.
Can you tell from this pic just how far we had to walk? See that same pointy building way down there. Coit tower is up on a was a watchtower. I must have lost my marbles.
Can you see my sweet brother in law helping me down the stairs with Evan. It was such a cool trip but I will never do that thighs burned for days.
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