1. He has a heart the size of Alaska. He has always thought more of what someone else wants instead of himself.
2. When I was pregnant he used to take off my shoes and rub my feet with lotion without me asking him.
3. I used to ask him to put his nose in the corner when he had been naughty. He would end up being distracted by ants in the corner and would stay there for a long time.
4. He is our #1 go-to boy. Ask him to do anything and he will usually do it happily.
5. He used to skip recess to offer help to his 1st grade teacher that was recovering from breast cancer. (this was all done on his own) They have a bond to this day where she will come to events that he has invited her to.
6. When he was three I could get him up in the middle of the night to vacuum up humongous spiders when Shane was at work.
7. He still likes to hold my hand.
8. He still will ask for help in Math even though I hardly ever know the answer and he won't act surprised when I do know the answer.
9. He has good choices in friends and is a good friend to all.
10. He loves Disney almost as much as me...we used to lay in bed together at night and talk about Disneyland.
11. He will eat anything I put in front of him and quietly pick out the pieces he doesn't like.
12. He has a strong testimony of the gospel.
13. He is the best big brother in the world and treats his brother and sisters so good. They all love their Bubby!
WHAAAAAT??? Spencer is 13! Holy MOLY! Hey spence happy 1 3 I remember holding you when you were 2! Sheesh I am getting old huh Jack. Okay I am not maybe someday you can babysit my kiddos for me spencer.
Oh and nice background :)
Spencer is such a cool kid!
Logan had a great time at his party, thanks!
Happy Birthday Spencer. I think you are amazing! Hope you have a great year!!
Tell that kid happy birthday for us! He is a stud!
We've always admired Spencer! He's a great kid. Love, Ashley
That's my Spencer! I loved that tribute to him Jacque. It proves what a truly one of a kind guy he is! It also makes me sad we're not closer. Love you Spencer...so glad your in our family. Happy Birthday! PS-do you vacuum up tarantulas?
your favorite aunt
Man! Spenc' is such a hunk! I can't tell you what I'd do for a boy like that, just 10 years older... and unrelated to myself.
What an amazing boy, I've always thought that. Happy Birthday Spencer. I love you!
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