This week on Monday and Tuesday we had snow days. I just love them, even though I'm adult now, I still wake up at 5am to check the news. I get giddy about the big breakfast together in our jammies, the hot chocolate, the rotating door of little people playing in the snow. Laura loves the matter how cold. Alice loves to snuggle up and play games with popcorn. It was a lot of fun. Get this, on Saturday it's supposed to be 70 degrees. That's spring for you, I guess.
I love this picture, but I wish you could have seen the snuggles that went with it. We were getting ready for church and the girls were on our bed waiting to have their hair done. Laura smashes on top of Alice with mildly agressive hugs and kisses and then she loudly proclaims, "I LOVE HER!". Alice was a good sport and loved the attention. Seeing them interact and take care of each other really does a heart good. Alice is a great big sister, and Laura does her best to take care of Alice. She tucked Alice in her bed last night with a kiss on the nose and everything. I loved it.